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Psychotic, the Fanlisting for Slasher Movies. Slasher films generally follow a formula that involves a psychopathic killer stalking and killing victims in a graphically violent way. The end of the movie almost always includes a "show down" between the virginal female character and the killer. Some of the best known and most popular slasher films are Friday the 13th, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Scream. If you're a fan of the Slasher genre, join the list of other fans. If you own a site that you want linked with your member info, you'll also need to get yourself a button to link back to the Genres: Slasher Fanlisting. This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network and The Movielistings Network under the Movies category as Genres: Slasher. It is also listed at Link Lane.


Last victim killed: 24th February 2025
Body count: 94, from 12 countries
Victim(s) still being stalked: 0
Newest victim(s): Toothsprite


This is strictly a fansite, no copyright infringement is intended. Best viewed in 1024x768 or above resolution using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Thank you to Mal, for the awesome layout.