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WHY SO SERIOUS?, the Fanlisting for Christopher Nolan's 2008 masterpiece, THE DARK KNIGHT. This still remains one of my top favorite movies of all time. If you're a fan of The Dark Knight, join the list of other fans. If you own a site that you want linked with your member info, you'll also need to get yourself a button to link back to the The Dark Knight Fanlisting. This site is listed at The Fanlistings Network and The Movielistings Network under the Movies category. It is also listed at Link Lane.


 Last updated: 03rd February 2025
 Member count: 48, from 4 countries
 Pending members: 0
 Newest member(s): Anne-Sophie


This is strictly a fansite, no copyright infringement is intended. Best viewed in 1024x768 or above resolution using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Thank you to Mal, for the awesome layout.